How To Start Over and Crush Your Goals | Angela Duncan

Empower Her Money author shares how she rebuilt it all better than before

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  • “Empower Your Money” was her book last year

  • Survivor of childhood abuse and poverty

  • Grew up in Section 8 housing

  • Has studied money for 25 years and wants to help people understand money, leverage money, and grow their net worth

  • Now it’s “Empower Her Money”

  • Men are logical when considering their investments

  • Women are more emotionally attached to money

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  • Women are good creators of businesses but bad with investing their earnings

  • Kids aren’t taught anything about taxes or money or building a business

  • Worked for BofA in college

  • Had great mentors—two confident women

  • She asked questions and offered help in exchange for mentorship

  • Don’t be a time-suck when you approach a potential mentor

  • Got her real estate license and went on her own in Tampa just before the real estate crash

  • There aren’t really “real estate crises,” there are debt crises and mortgage crises

Pick a lane.”

Angela Duncan on The Sales Podcast
  • Tax liens are lucrative now

  • FL is not her favorite state for tax liens

  • IL pays up to 36% with much shorter time frames for foreclosure

  • Leveraged every free marketing resource she could find in 2008

  • Helping investors helped her weather the storm

  • Be quiet once you answer their question

  • Use a little humor when appropriate

  • She’s more in the commercial real estate space now

  • Got married and co-owned a top Re/Max office

  • Got into insurance as well

  • She ran their books and walked out with cash and moved to Miami

  • It was hard

  • She took some time off and prayed, and God told her, “Patience…get to know Miami…build some confidence…”

  • Wrote a book…threw a popular event…launched a popular podcast

  • When she speaks for non-profit organizations with little or no budget, she’ll ask them to buy some of her books and/or share the attendee list

Say yes and figure out how.”

Angela Duncan on The Sales Podcast
  • She believes in having great coaches and mentors to shorten your learning curve

  • Feb 2023, she sold her insurance company and took a month off and got bored…

  • She was networking, and someone mentioned she should write a book

  • Hired James Malinchak as her book coach

  • His team helped with everything, including having “boomerangs” in your book

  • Became an Amazon best-seller (sold 98 books in one day and became a best-seller in four categories)

  • She wanted to do a live event on her own to prove to herself that she could get a group of women together as a workshop, not a rah-rah

  • She got five amazing women to agree to speak

  • Found a great venue in Miami

  • Hired a great video team to document it

  • Had four sponsors, 75 attendees, $197 tickets; oversold it

  • From idea to event, it took six weeks

  • She picked up the phone and called people

  • 10% did not show

  • Now she’s focusing on growing her podcast

  • She’s old school and has her guests follow her and subscribe

  • She does a daily podcast

  • Be consistent

  • Invest in yourself

  • Find experts on YouTube, etc.

  • She has fun on her podcast

  • She is authentic and herself

  • She’s a cheerleader for her guests

  • John Lee Dumas is her podcast mentor

  • Her podcast is now her focus

  • Get her podcast checklist, “The Ultimate Podcast Launch Checklist”

  • Follow her on Instagram and message her “podcast”

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast



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