Chewjitsu, Nick Albin, on The Sales Podcast

Join the "Chew Crew" To Grow Your Gym, Your Business, and Your Life

Chewjitsu discussed BJJ, business, and life on The Sales Podcast

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  • Wrestled in high school before YouTube.

  • He and his high school buddies started fighting each other in 2003 when they grabbed VHS tapes and practiced.

  • He wanted to fight in MMA.

  • Fought 13 fights in six years.

  • Realized he liked grappling more.

  • Desire vs. discomfort.

  • Poor upbringing

  • He had no grand plan.

  • He shared a studio apartment with a friend for a couple of years.

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  • Got a job and just focused on training.

  • Got an associate degree but saw the price of “big college” and wasn’t sold on it.

  • Stayed four years with his first Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu school, and in 2007 he moved to the school he now owns.

  • He took it over as a brown belt after helping train since he was a purple belt.

  • By 2009, he took over the school, but he still had his tech support job

  • It wasn’t a thing to teach BJJ full-time back in 2009.

  • The nervous system of the internet wasn’t like it is now, so they were much more isolated back then.

  • In 2010, he was teaching BJJ as much as he could and was hanging out with some friends after a seminar and had this epiphany on how to make it on BJJ alone.

  • It was March, and by June, he made it happen.

  • He got his black belt in 2011.

  • He knew if he expanded his offerings, he could grow.

  • He had a small student base, but he was growing because “the product was pretty good” because he cared and put in the effort.

  • Then he started running it as a business, but most entrepreneurs don’t like the marketing and business side of things.

  • Now has 600 students.

  • He’s always had a partner in the business who happened to be a consultant for fitness gyms.

  • They implemented a follow-up/drip/nurture process.

  • “Thank you for contacting me. I’m super-busy,” so he needed the follow-up, and he brought the entire family.

  • Now he knows that business is business.

  • He wasn’t too nervous when COVID hit since he came up from a simple background and he still lives within his means.

  • He rented out all of his gym gear to his members but was only closed for about six weeks.

  • People will invest in themselves when it’s important to them.

  • His gym has always grown, even in bad economies.

  • BJJ offers fitness, skills, competition, as well as community, and friendship.

  • He’s always loved YouTube and learning with video.

  • He has made videos for his students when they missed a session.

  • Then he made them public, and he started getting questions.

  • It has kind of grown organically.

  • Wants to expand his gym. Some students drive 45 to 60 minutes to get to him, so he’s looking to open another school across town.

  • “Everything is about reps. Get in the reps and put in the work.”

  • He’ll focus on one position, i.e., half guard bottom, for up to four weeks.

  • You have to plow the fields before you plant the seeds.

  • Information is best when it comes in the nick of time instead of ahead of time.

  • For two weeks before a competition, he’ll teach nothing new and make them follow a process and a sequence. You have to prime yourself to compete.

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