Take The Free CRM Quiz

Find The Best CRM For Your Team and Budget

How To Find The Best CRM

It ain’t easy picking a CRM today…

These companies are like savvy (slick?…slimy?) car companies.

“Oh, you’d like a sunroof? You must upgrade to the Powerfully Pretty Platinum Edition, which includes 37” wheels, the James Bond ejection seat, the 1970 pinstripe paint job, and ten years of Sirius XM, which is only…just…available for the super-duper low price of just an extra $19,999.97!!! Is today your lucky day or what????”


Why does it have to be this way?

One CRM has a great GUI, but it doesn’t integrate with your accounting software.

Another CRM integrates seamlessly with your accounting software but it doesn’t offer SMS marketing.

Another CRM offers SMS marketing, but it’s not bi-directional.

Another CRM has bi-directional SMS and offers unlimited SMS, but the subscription is not only more than your mortgage; it forces you to pay a brutal onboarding fee and locks you into an annual contract that is more than your college loan!

Another has a low monthly fee and no contract, but the GUI is a bit ugly, and it all loads slowly.

There Is No All-In-One CRM

When I got into this world back in 2008 with Infusionsoft (before they changed to Keap), they touted their CRM software as “all-in-one,” and I was optimistic and naive enough to believe them.

(That’s me meeting Dan Kennedy below at the event in 2008.)

Wes Schaeffer meeting Dan Kennedy at the Infusionsoft four-city tour in Anaheim in 2008.

Wes Schaeffer meeting Dan Kennedy at the Infusionsoft four-city tour in Anaheim in 2008.

I soon realized they were not “all-in-one.”

However, they were pretty close to all-in-one, as long as you knew what you needed and fully utilized what they had to offer, which, if I’m being honest, was quite robust and affordable—$299/mo for five users and a whole lot of automation at your fingertips.

In 2014, I got certified in two other platforms—one, a close competitor, the other a much more expensive option—and I saw that regardless of what you paid, you’d always have to add-on/plug-in/integrate other tools into your core CRM to make things work the way you need them to.

Since then, I’ve gotten under the hood of dozens of other CRMs and hundreds of add-on tools, which brings me to this page…

This free tool will ask you a series of multiple-choice questions and then spit out some recommendations at the end.

If you want to discuss the results, you can enter your info at the end. If not, there will be a pop-up that will show you the recommendations.

Thanks for checking this out. Please let me know how I can help you grow your sales.



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