How to make the switch from your CRM easier, Part 1.

There is no "all-in-one," so focus on best-of-class to grow

Today's SaaS model is insidious in its "stickiness." (Sticky means you, the customer, are stuck. Great for the SaaS provider, crappy for you.)

In the fall of 2023, after nine years as a HubSpot partner and customer, I downgraded my account for a few reasons:

  1. They changed their partner model, which impacted my earnings with them. I was never an “agency,” so I was always a black sheep partner in their ecosystem.

  2. Cost-savings: HubSpot is elegant, fast, and they offer the best support. But all of that comes at a cost.

  3. Technology has changed: there are new tools now, like beehiiv for building and monetizing newsletters, LeadPages for lead-capture and now blogging, and Nimble as a lightweight CRM and now automations.

  4. Times have changed: since 2014, Infusionsoft has become Keap, COVID rocked the world, work-from-home and hybrid working environments are now the norm, and AI is changing how we work and connect, so I’m changing with the times.

I used to believe that there were "all-in-one" platforms out there, but I was young and dumb.

There is no all-in-one software, so shop and build your tech stack carefully.”

Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Now I know that "most-of-the-things-you-need-in-one" is more accurate.

Now I also know why that is a good thing.

Yeah, yeah, you might pay more to assemble a best-of-class tech stack, but:

  1. It's great to be known for using best-of-class. (Trust me, your prospects and customers can tell.)

  2. Your state of mind changes for the better when you're not constantly pissed off and irritated at the shortcuts and hacks you're constantly implementing and tolerating when you try to make your tools do too much.

  3. You become less beholden or STUCK to any single "sticky" app.

Case in point: since I was using Spiffy | Checkouts from Michael R. Hunter for my checkouts, I copied my Workflows from HubSpot to my Campaigns in Keap, then removed the HubSpot Automation in Spiffy and added a Keap Tag, and I was good to go.

Obviously, when you're moving from one CRM to another, you need to allow some overlap so you can import the data you need and rebuild the sequences and automation.

Still, when you DO NOT have to rebuild your order forms, i.e., the thing that keeps your business alive, that sure is comforting.

So, if you feel as though you're tolerating some bullshittery from your current SaaS providers, consider diversifying the tools you use.

Take the free CRM quiz to find the best CRM for your needs, team, and budget.

Take some eggs out of that one basket.

Reward yourself with best-of-breed tools.

Stop making excuses for your technology and start making more money with it.

Market like you mean it.
Now go sell something.


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