Facebook Ads in Four Hours Per Week, Eric Saar on The Sales Podcast

How and Why of Facebook and Meta Ads To Grow Your Sales

Professional Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast ...

  • Slingshot Media

  • Interstacial ads

  • Used to be a sports writer for the NBA

  • T-Tech was a billion-dollar company, and he started working on their Facebook ads program

  • He was overseeing $11 million in ads per month and he was teaching people how to do Facebook ads

  • 2019-2020 he was doing this when the world changed

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  • He has a physical disability, so he lives with his father when he went out on his own to get his Pepperdine MBA

  • Getting his MBA gave him a lot of confidence

  • He’s not seeing fundamental changes in Meta advertising

  • Tracking has changed, especially with some of the changes implemented by Apple

  • Facebook can’t see the conversions with Apple

  • Facebook Lead Forms help you with the Apple tracking issue

  • Spams/bots can be a problem on Facebook Lead Forms

  • If you drive them to your landing page, it’s probably a better lead

  • You are “dangerous” with what you probably know about Facebook Advertising

  • Spend at least $20/day for at least two weeks

  • It’s not for “proving” an offer. It’s better to expand a proven offer.

  • E-commerce is best for Facebook Ads.

  • Webinars are still effective.

  • You need to be omnichannel but adjust your message to the medium

  • Selling clothes? Be on Facebook. Emergency plumbing? Be on Google.

  • Fix your ad sets, and don’t bid against yourself

  • Many agencies do these five big things wrong

  • Can be done in just four hours per month, other than graphics

  • Ad fatigue kicks in at around the 2.5-month mark

  • What works for you, and how much time do you have?

  • He split tests differently. Scientific split tests are hard to do.

  • When you look at the wrong metrics, you can turn off your best ads.

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