Know Your Numbers to Grow Your Numbers, With Kari Poppleton

If you can measure it, you can improve it

Professional Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast ...

  • So many tools in digital businesses, so it’s hard to get all the key numbers in one place

  • Traffic, sales steps/pipelines/stages

  • Attribution is difficult when you’re trying to be omnipresent

  • It’s easy to get comfortable/complacent and don’t know where to look when things start to break

  • A lot of her clients weren’t/don’t track their key metrics

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  • Creative types may feel constrained when looking at numbers

  • There’s a lot of confidence that comes when you start looking at the numbers

  • She’s a data detective

  • Stop going off of gut feeling

  • Remove as much friction as you can in your business

  • Leverage appropriate automation

  • As you shift your marketing efforts, you must update what you track

  • She helps identify bottlenecks and where changes need to be made

  • She’s a Certified Director of Operations

  • It’s normal to be embarrassed about your numbers

  • We all have messy parts of our lives and businesses

  • Ensure you have tracking setup on your site

  • We tend to be reactive in our lives…but if you can be more proactive, life and business becomes calmer

  • It’s great to be a visionary leader, but your operators need time to implement

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast



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