Go Full Throttle on Your Lead Generation With Michael Falato

Sales as a Service: The Role of Mindset in Sales

Professional Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast ...

  • Got his name “Full Throttle”

  • Sales as a Service using Software as a Service

  • He’ll amplify what’s good or bad about you

  • You have to be unique in your approach

  • Don’t use fake LinkedIn profiles

  • He’ll do a barter for a month for free

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  • It’s hard to use tools like Apollo or LinkedIn automation tools

  • He has “anchors” and invites prospects to his monthly Roundtable

  • Executives only need 3-4 touches, then pause it

  • Deal Max from ACG gave the client list

  • LinkedIn has groups of conference attendees

  • He’ll take exhibitor lists and markets to them

  • He charges $5,000/mo to compare them to the price of an SDR

  • “What grabbed your attention?” Let them answer.

  • Review what you heard and confirm.

  • He was “Monster Mike” at Monster.com

  • Drill down with tools like Apollo to send rifle shots

  • He connects to SendGrid to send: use email engineers

  • Connect it to HubSpot, etc.

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast





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