Understand Human Laziness To Market Effectively With Nathan Yeung

Get Tough, Take Action, and Never Stop Learning

Professional Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast ...

Nathan and I discuss the importance of bridging the gap between school and real-life experiences.

Nathan shares his experience as a guest lecturer at various universities and colleges, where he aims to provide students with practical knowledge and new perspectives.

We also get into the challenges of being an entrepreneur and the need for resilience and a redefinition of normality.

We touch on the fear of starting over, the importance of taking action, and the discomfort that comes with growth and progress.

We also get into:

  • Personal growth

  • Consumer psychology,

  • The challenges of scaling a business,

  • Continuous learning,

  • How to achieve your goals, and

  • Nathan’s upcoming book on consumer psychology and how understanding human laziness can inform marketing strategies.

00:00 Introduction and Nathan's Experience as a Guest Lecturer
04:18 The Challenges of Being an Entrepreneur
07:13 Redefining Normality: A Key to Success
11:28 Taking Action for Growth and Progress
16:16 Getting Comfortable with Discomfort
2:13 Continuous Learning and Taking Action
27:10 Understanding Human Laziness
30:07 Challenging Beliefs and Seeking New Experiences

You need resilience. If you don't have any resilience, good luck."

Nathan Yeung on The Sales Podcast
  • CMO, guest lecturer, entrepreneur

  • What does success really mean to you?

  • To believe it, you must feel it.

  • Once you believe, you will act.

  • You need to be resilient to succeed as an entrepreneur.

  • Understand the definition of normal, or you will tax your emotional stability.

  • People are hard on themselves…”I’m not normal…I’m behind…” and this saps your willpower, productivity, and effectiveness.

  • Live with pure intentionality…but you might be devoid of emotion.

  • You had different priorities at different times, so your situation is normal for you.

  • You have to choose to be uncomfortable to grow.

  • Managing people is difficult, so if you want to run a business, you need to know what it will take.

  • When your ego doesn’t match your action, it creates cognitive dissonance.

  • Fear and comfort can freeze you or keep you in a rut.

  • As you get older, your responsibilities grow, so it can get harder to prioritize and act.

  • Try to live with purpose and intent

  • To make progress, you must become uncomfortable.

  • You need to see progress in your life, or you’ll get into a rut.

  • There are creative ways to be productive in your life.

  • We are paralyzed by our unlimited choices.

  • His book will be about consumer psychology.

  • We are all inherently lazy.

  • Our brains make us conserve energy. (“Deep Survival” podcast.)

  • Why do flat earthers have this belief, and why do people remain in toxic relationships?

  • You must be resilient to become resilient.

  • He grew up fat and out of shape.

  • He was bullied as a child.

  • It made him curious, so he asked “why” a lot.

  • “Why do I exercise a lot? Why not?”

Scale causes problems.”

Nathan Yeung on The Sales Podcast
  • Reach out to Nathan if you’re in B2B SaaS and need help growing.

  • He’s your marketing accountability coach.

  • It’s so easy to make mistakes and dabble in too many things.

  • Marketing is an exercise in figuring out what is likely to work first.

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast





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