'Hit The Inbox' With Email Deliverability Expert Scott Hartley

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In this conversation, Scott Hartley discusses the importance of email marketing and the recent changes made by Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft to curb spam. He emphasizes the need for proper authentication and engagement with email subscribers.

Scott also highlights the challenges of cold emailing and the importance of building relationships with subscribers. He shares examples of businesses that have faced email deliverability issues and provides insights on how to recover from them. Scott's book, 'Hit the Inbox,' offers practical advice for improving email marketing practices.

00:00 Introduction and the Importance of Email Marketing
05:16 Building Relationships and Engaging with Email Subscribers
10:06 Challenges of Cold Emailing
23:18 Understanding Your Ideal Customer
25:41 Recovering from Email Deliverability Issues
30:13 Conclusion and Practical Advice for Email Marketing

  • Everyone is sick of spam

  • Email is not dead

  • Email costs the big players like Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail

  • They need to keep spam down so we’re happy consumers and users of their platforms

There are 100 ways to get email marketing wrong and just a handful of ways to get it right. My clients hire me to find the right ones for their business.”

Scott Hartley on The Sales Podcast
  • February 2024, some new rules started being applied, and by June 1, 2024, you had to have these new procedures in place

  • Email engagement is key today; more so than ever

  • AI is great for helping you come up with ideas

  • Think of your list as actual people


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  • Email deliverability is vital

  • He’s passionate about you getting your emails delivered

  • It has been easy and cheap to do email, so we’ve all developed some bad habits

  • Companies are in a state of panic right now with these new rules

  • Your cold email tricks are not smarter than the AI tools used by Google, Yahoo, etc.

  • A2P registration for text messaging

  • Build real relationships with your prospects and customers

  • You must know your prospects better than they know themselves

  • Attract them to you so they want to hear from you

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