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See How This Old Sales Dog Is Using AI, Email, & DMs To Make Insane Sales, Meet Joe Ingram

The Role of Salespeople: Balancing Logic and Emotion The Effectiveness of Cold Email Outreach

Professional Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast ...

In this conversation, Joe Ingram and I discuss our experiences in sales and the role of salespeople in today's world. 

We touch on topics such as transitioning from engineering to sales, the importance of communication and problem-solving skills, the effectiveness of outbound prospecting and cold calling, and the use of AI in sales.

We also discuss the hype and flashiness often associated with sales gurus and the need for results-driven approaches. The conversation covers various topics related to sales and communication, including the use of AI in sales, the importance of human interaction and authenticity, the effectiveness of cold email outreach, and the value of fresh perspectives in business.

Joe Ingram shares insights and strategies for improving sales performance and customer engagement. He also provides a hidden button on his website that offers valuable resources for sales professionals.

00:00 Introduction and Background
07:36 Transition from Engineering to Sales
13:24 The Role of Salespeople
15:46 Effectiveness of Outbound Prospecting and Cold Calling
18:04 AI in Sales
23:20 Avoiding the Hype in Sales
30:05 The Role of AI in Sales and Communication
34:56 The Importance of Human Interaction and Authenticity in Sales
41:27 The Effectiveness of Cold Email Outreach
44:12 The Value of Fresh Perspectives in Business
46:08 Utilizing Social Media and Other Platforms for Customer Engagement
49:01 Building Relationships and Providing Value in Sales
53:09 Regularly Evaluating and Renegotiating Contracts with Vendors

  • Grew up as an electrical engineer…made a lot of mistakes…got into sales in 1998.

  • Was with TRW for ten years, and it was volatile due to working with the government.

  • His department of 30 was cut to three and he made the cut because he learned everyone else’s job.

  • Did seven interviews with two managers each and made it to the husband/wife owners.

  • Became the inside sales manager for their call center.

  • It took three months to double their business and tripled it within a year.

  • He had a big personality.

  • He sees his ADHD as an advantage…it’s a sign of intelligence…he picked things up quicker than others.

  • He was a manager in his engineering role, and his communication skills contributed to his success.

  • Engineers follow processes.

  • Sales managers follow processes.

  • He learned on his own and is good at problem-solving.

  • He’s good at pattern recognition.

A salesperson’s job is to give a logical explanation to justify the prospect’s emotional decision.”

Joe Ingram on The Sales Podcast
  • If a company has 70+ employees, it takes at least seven people to make a decision due to the shift toward general consensus.

  • Cold calling still works as well as email if you do it right and focus on B2B.

  • Initiate with social media.

  • Advertising and marketing are key if you’re focused on consumers.

  • Copy/paste a LinkedIn profile, drop it into ChatGPT, get the person’s identity and communication style down, and get their fear diary.

  • Then he has it generate a cold email and DM.

  • Money follows attention…but it doesn’t have to be ethical. (Grant Cardone)

  • Flashy salespeople will always be around. Don’t fall for the hype. Do the work.

Sales is only a numbers game…until you become educated.”

Joe Ingram on The Sales Podcast
  • Be where your prospects are, i.e., social media and email.

  • Go from 17% answer rate to 41% answer rate by texting first.

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast





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